Monday, February 28, 2011

Process work for graphic identity < Part 1

The process work for my graphic identity:

Here show's the process of when i choose to do a diary farmer.
It show's my thought process of what direction i wished to take with my diary farmer before i could move on to scamping idea's.

The next process show's my logo scamps, i have now figured out that i am going to do a diary farmer for body builders.
So i therefore practices with a few different concepts of how i could link these elements of a bodybuilder and a dairy farmer together.

The Final Scamp of my CI:
I have now scamped out the final plan-out for all the graphic identity criteria, it shows in all the different parts how i am wanting to incorporate body-builders linked together with dairy into all the different parts of my CI.

First Mock Up.

My first mock up was due today, Monday 28th February.

We had to create a mock up which showed our logo, business card, compliment slip, envelope, letter head and fax. This is what my mock up looked like:

The Begining

Got my first brief for viscom... :)

It's title is Design Graphic Identity, the brief description was:
Create a conceptual Corporate Identity for one of the following services/professions provided. You can make your services very specific example a yoga teacher for kids etc. Choose one and execute it in a relevant and unexpected way using the correct choice of paper, typography, colour and image (if relevant).

The services were:
1. Dentist
2. Male stripper
3. Chocolatier
4. Dairy Farmer
5. Coffee barista
6. Massage therapist